A couple of days ago I got the fantastic mix-cds ‘Lastebil’ and ‘Polarbjørn’, by the for me unknown DJ Jakobsen, the first two installments of a series called Debris From A Fragmented Culture. It’s an eclectic and skilled mix of hiphop, beats and weird samples far from the commercialism and sell-out of the mainstream music scene.

I found them at Platekompaniet, but they’re probably also available elsewhere. They’re very nicely priced – only 69.50 kroner for each cd, and each comes packed with close to 80 minutes of music, so it’s very good value for your money. Needless to say, I highly recommend to anyone musically interested to check them out.

Pirates of The Burning Sea screenshot

Growing up, I was a big fan of Sid Meier‘s excellent line of games for Microprose (now bought out by Atari).

One of my all time favorites was Sid Meier’s Pirates!, and countless hours were spent raiding the Spanish main, boarding hapless merchantmen, avoiding the dreaded pirate hunters, wooing the governor’s daughter and memorizing every port and cove in the Caribbean.

Now it looks like Sid along with Firaxis Games are creating what looks like a worthy sequel, Pirates of the Burning Sea. It is to be completed late in 2004, and judging from the screenshots, it will be totally stunning graphics wise! I just hope my PC will be able to run it, and if not, I’ll just have to upgrade again… Here are a few previews: GameSpy, Gamer.no.

I can’t wait for this one!

The guys at Google sure were in a mood for a joke today, as these two stories show:

I’m just guessing that the webmail story is a joke, although a very well executed one at that. They don’t seem too convinced that it’s a joke over at Slashdot either, and lots of major news sites have the story, including CNN, BBC News and New Scientist. Anyhow, joke or not – it sure is an excellent publicity move, and might be a sort of meta April-fools joke, i.e. they fool people into thinking it’s a joke, and it actually turns out to be true!

Another geek joke of the day is the latest in a long line of prank RFCs, entitled Omniscience Protocol Requirements:

Since the evil-doer may have control of a local firewall or NAT, the OP must be able to communicate with the OP server, even when the firewall or NAT has been configured to block all unused ports. Also, since the evil-doer might try to hide his or her evil-doing by disconnecting the computer from the network, the OP must be able to continue to communicate, even under these circumstances. Meeting this requirement may require that the OP client be able to reconfigure the user’s machine into a cell phone …