Nick Bradbury of Bradsoft has released version 1.0 of the excellent RSS reader FeedDemon.

I’ve been using this great app as a beta for a couple of months, and I highly recommend it. For those who don’t know, an RSS reader allows you to browse your favourite news sources from a single place, and open only the items that interest you, saving a lot of time and bandwidth. The number of sites using RSS feeds increase all the time, and for instance most of the major newspapers here in Norway use them, like Aftenposten, Dagbladet and VG Nett.

I’m using a trial version at the moment, but I’ll probably pay the registration fee (USD 29.95) very soon, since I’m using it to keep updated almost every day. If anyone is interested (which I doubt…), I also have a feed for this site, which gets updated every time a new item is posted, although that is not very often nowadays…