Well, it’s about time I got this site off the testing stage. Not that there isn’t anything left to fix, but I need to start putting some content here instead of just fixing minor details all the time. Anyhow, here’s what’s new:

  • The Gallery is up again, containing some new pictures as well. I’ve upgraded to version 1.3 and it looks like that fixed the PHP register_globals ‘bug’. Great work from the Gallery development-team.
  • The weblog, powered by Moveable Type should be fully functional. But there’s still lots to do…
  • The main pages should (hopefully) be compliant with the XHTML 1.0 standard. Alas, the Gallery is not, and this is outside my contol (they’ll fix this in version 2 I hope). The pages should look ok in all the major browsers (Opera 6, Mozilla 1.0, MSIE 6.0), but looks totally crap in Netscape 4.*. If you are stuck with this, sorry…

Still plenty to do though, and I hope to add some more pages to this site soon…